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¿Necesitas un intérprete?

Acceda nuestro directorio de intérpretes y organizaciones miembros para sus necesidades de interpretación.

Need an Interpreter?

Search our directory for individual interpreters or consider using one of our organizational members for your interpreting needs.

¿Necesitas un traductor?

Acceda nuestros miembros organizacionales

para sus necesidades de traducción.

Need a Translator?

Consider using one of our organizational members

for your translation needs.

¿Deseas convertirse en 
intérprete de lenguaje de señas?

Considere utilizar alguno de nuestros miembros organizacionales

que proveen programas de interpretación.

Do you want to become 
a sign language interpreter?

Consider using one of our organizational members

that provide interpreter training programs.

¿Deseas aprender lenguaje de señas?

Considere utilizar alguno de nuestros miembros organizacionales

que proveen clases de lenguaje de señas.

Do you want to learn sign language?

Consider using one of our organizational members

that provide sign language classes.

Otras oportunidades de educación para intérpretes

Other Interpreter Education Opportunities

Membership Directory


While the Registro de Intérpretes para Sordos de Puerto Rico, Inc. grants access to our interpreter membership directory, we are merely providing these names for your convenience and do not endorse any of the interpreters listed nor do we make any judgment about the appropriateness of any interpreter for your particular needs. Currently, we do not rate or qualify interpreters for practice. However, the interpreters in our directory have shown enough interest in the profession of interpreting to join our association and/or the national Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc.  

You should gather your own information about the level of skill, interest, certification, specialities, experience and/or other qualities of the interpreters listed as you make your own decision about hiring an interpreter or interpreters. We take no responsibility for any decisions you make, nor do we take responsibility for the outcome of any decisions you make.

Please indicate your understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions of use of this searchable data base by choosing the option below:  asdfjikasdfjasdfj adsfj

By proceeding to the Membership Directory, I understand and accept the terms and conditions of use as described above.

I understand and agree. Proceed.


As a non-profit membership association, the Registro de Intérpretes para Sordos de Puerto Rico, Inc. (RISPRI) is not allowed by federal law to give advice as to salary and/or hourly rates. Rates for interpreters are market driven, vary greatly by region, and are negotiated between the individual interpreter or agency and the hirer.

RISPRI also does not give advice as to accessibility issues, such as the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). You should directly contact the U.S. Department of Justice and the ADA Office or other government agencies that oversee access.  For an additional informational resource, please look at this National Association of the Deaf web page on Legal Rights.

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© Copyright 2016-2023 | Derechos de autor 2016-2023

Registro de Intérpretes para Sordos de Puerto Rico, Inc.

Foto del banner cortesía de Rincon Vacations | Banner photo courtesy of Rincon Vacations

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